Very competitive rates to help you achieve a quick result within a short time. Probably the fastest way to learn how to drive, pass your driving test and drive away with a full driving license. These affordable driving courses suit anyone who does not have the time to dedicate to weekly driving lessons.
You’re driving instructor will help you focus on the various driving tasks to take advantage of the limited time scale to help you reach test standard. An intensive driving course aims to train you to a good level of competence, which is a great confidence boost and reassuring for your driving career.
So, for a one to one driving experience, that is goal based driven and geared towards a first-time pass, then book a course to suit your standard of driving and diary requirements.
Compare our intensive driving courses with other driving schools. Do other schools offer courses with one free attempt at the theory and practical tests, offer online discounts, one to one tuition at affordable rates.
Now, that you know these courses can teach you to drive at a faster pace, why wait? Learn to drive and become independent on the open road.
For more information call Pass Now Ltd on 0333 011 0391 or click here-